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01483 346344

Which Is Better Hybrid Or Diesel: Guest Post

Today, the following is fast becoming a common dilemma: do I jump on the hybrid bandwagon or should I play it safe and stick with the popular diesel choices? The hybrids – although there had been the odd one beforehand – all pretty much started with the Toyota Prius (which is still a strong contender), […]

Difference between car valeting and detailing

Due to the recent increase in popularity in car detailing there has been a big grey area created in the difference between ‘car valeting’ and ‘car detailing’. As far as Wikipedia is concerned, if that’s anything to go by, there is no difference and is simply called different things in different countries, i.e. car valeting […]

Treating Back Pain Caused By Car Valeting

Like any occupation that requires constant physical work, car valets often suffer from back pain. You probably spend hours hunched over a car and have to maintain twisted positions in order to reach awkward area. Consequently it is not uncommon for car valets to suffer from occasional or even chronic lower back pain (LBP). Many studies have […]

Five Most Beautiful Cars In The World

A classic red Ferrari sports car, gleaming from meticulous car detailing, is on display on a lawn surrounded by a crowd at a car show.

Since the introduction of cars in the late 19th Century, we have been fascinated by them as objects of engineering and beauty. Although beauty is in the eye of the beholder, a select few manufacturers have brought us stunning examples of craftsmanship that have stood the test of time. What makes a car beautiful? Automotive […]